
Showing posts from 2014

In Loving Memory of the Joyful life of Joy Chow En Ern

16th December 2014 will be a meaningful date many of us will not forget easily. This was the day our dearest Joy Joy Chow went back to be with our Abba Father in heaven. Her life may seem short..just 7 years..but the impact she has made in the lives' of people around her was immense. She lived up to her name of always being much so that her Uncle Pak Pak Dr Chow said in his eulogy that she managed to slowly in that 7 years of her life, changed Dr Chow's trained emotion-less heart into a softer heart where he started to feel for others again. Many of us have cried buckets full of tears...and may still continue to do so for weeks or months to come. But let's remember Joy Joy for her beautiful journey here on earth, though short yet extremely meaningful. Joy in peace... *These are some of Joy Joy's pictures in our family archive.  Joy Joy was borned months apart from Isaac..   Joy Joy all dressed up for her 1st birthday

Cuti Cuti Melaka...

Well yet another simple yet fun outing to Melaka this time... We thought it will be a good idea to expose our kids to the historical city of Melaka - actually mainly to check out the Maritime Museum there. But the ultra hot weather didn't make it easy plus the teribble horrible traffic at the heart of Melaka certainly was NOT conducive at all. Did we meet the kids' objective? YES! Did the adults esp. grandparents enjoy themselves? NOPE!! In our standard as parents - spent quality time with our boys and my parents. Net net - well worth the hassle. Plus we managed to squeeze a quick dash to Seremban to enjoy the wonderfully yummy 'beef noodle' at Pasar Besar. Love it!!   Cry baby Ian didn't get his way on some things and very naturally resorted to tears! Nope we are not falling for that trick boy..!   I love it when our 'do-re-mi' wear the same shirts...cute!  Of all 3 museum we

Another version of simple fun with our boys!

We have learnt to have simple everyday fun with our boys...instead of waiting for the yearly overseas holiday or the Christmas or birthday presents, we are firm believers of having fun everyday in whichever way or through whatever we do together as a family. Hope that one day, our boys will look back at this video in glee and remember these fond moments of happiness :) Isaac, Ivan, Ian - you boys are such a wonderful blessing to daddy & mummy. Love you all dearly and equally *muacks muacks* *****

Ian's 2nd birthday party

Not sure why & how...but as I reflected back, we somehow missed out on Ian's 1st birthday party.  We quickly then decided to celebrate his 2nd birthday by throwing a party at home Abode47 on 19th April 2014. Many people came and as with all our parties, we had loads of fun and plenty of good food...hehe.... It's a loooooong night...ended it with a bottle of milk :)