Ivan you are a very brave, strong and tough boy. We are all very proud of you!

It was 3am on Wed 10/6/09, when SW & I were awakened by a loud scream by Ivan. It was not his typical cry of pain/hunger, I immediately thought that it might be a bad colic attack. Little did we know it would turn out to be so much more than that!

SW & I tried all methods; from putting ‘Yu Yee’ oil, rubbing boiled eggs on his stomach to praying in tongues – none worked! Ivan’s loud screaming cry would reduce gradually but only to recur in 1/2 hrs gap. It was when he started to vomit that we knew it could be more than just colic. From 3-8am that fateful day, he threw up about 6-8 times. Even water could not be retained in his little tummy. At about 8am, we drove off to Ooi’s clinic to have Ivan checked. Dr Ooi diagnosed it as virus infection & colic. It must have been a serious enough case coz Dr Ooi gave quite a lot of medicine. When we went home & gave Ivan his 1st dose of medicine, he seemed a bit relieved. Soon he started to vomit again. Despite not having much content in his stomach, he vomited too. Even the meds came all out! We thought it’s his body reacting to the meds & that soon it will all be ok. Around 1.30pm whilst resting in front of the TV & watching Oprah Winfrey, I heard a loud poo-poo sound. Upon checking, I nearly fainted to find it was all BLOOD!! An entire wet diaper with nothing else but blood. We quickly packed some stuff & rushed off to Assunta Hospital. Upon being checked by Dr Mary, she immediately diagnosed Intussusception. Refer this link http://kidshealth.org/parent/system/surgical/intussusception.html for more info.

That moment had me at the biggest SHOCK of my life. My dear baby Ivan might need surgery to rectify this problem. Of coz we prayed that the initial non-surgical procedure could solve it but unfortunately it could not.

Ivan went in for the non-surgical barium enema treatment at about 4pm. Dr Puspha informed us that a surgery is needed immediately – his case was so serious that no delay is allowed. By 8.30pm Ivan was wheeled into the OT for his 1st ever (& hopefully the only) surgery of his life…and he’s only 4 months old. OMG..! I can’t help but to ask God “why him again!?” I know these are the questions the devil want me to ask & doubt God – but thankfully SW was a lot more optimistic about the situation. Time & again, he reassured me that Ivan is in good hands & that God is in control. Amen to that! Pastor Edwin came to pray for Ivan before he went into the OT!

Through this painful & shocking episode in our lives, we’ve learned a few things (in no ranking of importance) listed below:

(1) Ivan is a very very very brave, tough & strong boy. I’m amazed how calm he was after the surgery. He hardly cried throughout the day as the healing process took place. He’s very very brave. He only cried when he was hungry, didn’t shed a tear of pain at all. I know now that Ivan will be a pillar of strength for the family, living up to his name being ‘Jia Wen’. I even draw strength from his toughness. I told myself to be strong for him. But I think he was being strong for me. Else I would have broken down & gone into depression coz of this.

(2) We have great & supportive family members. SW & my family members spent endless hours praying for Ivan, visited him everyday, took care of all my needs & made sure Isaac is well taken care of too. We love all of you!

3) SW & I are blessed with great friends & colleagues who not just took time to visit Ivan but also prayed fervently for him. It’s amazing no matter what religions/faith they have, no one hesitated to offer him a prayer. Like always we welcome all prayers & believe God is in control.

4) God is omni-presence and always there, ever ready to provide for all our needs. He’s our Jehovah Rappah, the ultimate Healer. Even in times when we are in doubt, He never failed us. Always providing the best for all of us. Ivan has fully recovered since, praise the Lord for His Healing hands!

To Ivan, daddy & mummy pray that you re fully healed in the name of Jesus. You will always be watched after by God. No weapon/works of the devil formed against you shall prosper. The devil has no place in your life. You’ve conquered all infirmities through the blood of Jesus Christ. You will always be blessed by the Lord, our Abba Father. AMEN.

We love you Ivan…!



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