Photo-taking fanatic mum & dad..!

I was downloading some (more!) photos into my laptop last night when I found out that we have taken over 2,500 shots of Isaac since he was born on Oct 8th, 2007! He’s now 21 months old, so that’s an average over 100 shots taken of him every month. We now need to take significantly more shots of Ivan to even things out…lol I guess it’s fairly normal for young new parents like us to obsessively take photos of our newborn & growing kids; in the spirit of not-wanting-to-miss-out any precious moments.

We have recently taken our fanaticsm of photographing our kids to a greater height by purchasing our very 1st DSLR – a Canon 500D. This decision was made when our P&S/compact camera – Kodak started delivering poor picture quality. Stay tuned for more great photos…hehe..



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