
Showing posts from December, 2009

Long weekends are reaallly great..

Image spend with the boys that is... One of the many benefits of being a Malaysian is to enjoy 'extra' public holidays due to our multi-racial/multi-religious beliefs. We have been enjoying long-er weekends for the past 2 weeks; due to Awal Muharram & Christmas which fell on 2 consecutive Fridays. We enjoy long-er weekends because we get to spend every single waking hours with them both; our lovely boys, Isaac & Ivan. The more recent weekend which has just passed was Christmas, Boxing Day & last Sunday of 2009! A typical weekend would be like this : As usual we woke up at around 6.30am, took di-di Ivan downstairs to play with his toys whilst mummy (that's me) get ready his bottle of milk. He is a very disciplined baby; he sleeps sharp at 7pm every night and wakes up around 6-6.30am every day! Shortly after, Isaac woke up at about 7am...his current routine is to call out to his daddy at the staircase as soon as he wakes up..truly a daddy's boy...*mummy ki

Ivan walks at 10 months!

Again I wanna brag about how advance Ivan is developing (yes I am a proud mummy of my 2 boys), at 10months of age ie now, he is walking around the house by pushing a chair. Many a time he would stand still without holding on to the chair. I know I should never compare, but just as a record, Isaac started doing this when he was 12months. Not very far apart actually :p Well I have heard many friends sharing that the 2nd kid would grow up faster as they have an elder sibling to catch up to..some sort of benchmark la. See all this 'competition' actually started when we were kids, subconsciously :) *****

Our Lim family's Chinese names

It's not easy for an English educated Chinese banana like me to remember how to write our kids' Chinese names..(yeah of course I know how to write my own Chinese name). So I've actually prepared a powerpoint slide of all our Chinese names, as above, to help remind me how their names are to be written :p It's funny how we got Ivan's chinese name above... my parents didn't manage to provide chinese names that we like that rhymes with his English name - IVAN. Most of those that my dad shortlisted sounded abit like a girl's name. So one day what I did was to google for a translation website and used this website to translate "Wen" in english to Chinese character. After some browsing through, I've finally selected the above Chinese character to represent "Wen" which also has a very good meaning. It represents "stability, strength, strong foundation" which I find will be very good traits for a little boy. There is a Chinese sayin