
Showing posts from 2011

Dad's 60th birthday party on 8th Oct 2011

We celebrated my Dad's 60th birthday party at our abode47 on 8th Oct 2011. Mom invited relatives & dad's close friends was a smallish party with about 50 people but we all had a great time! Dad especially enjoyed being the centre of attention I he's surrounded by all his loved ones; wife, kids & all 5 grandsons!! Catering by Banana Cafe, they did wonders with the simple decor to the buffet line Some sweet treats for all the kids, in case of emergency...haha! I made Jake & Cubby costumes for Isaac & Ivan as promised...don't they look cute! Towards cake-cutting time, we surprised dad & even mom to a 7-min long video of their moments together in the past few decades. Mom as expected welled up tears whilst Dad looked equally gratified by the efforts put in by my brother & me. Some of our relatives had a good laugh seeing themselves in those photos of yesteryears! Well I spotted a few photos of me in really bad hair s

A short but fun trip to land of kim-chi

Praise the Lord! was the first thing I said when hubby told me that he's being sent to Seoul, South Korea for a conference. Immediately I decided to join him after the conference so that we can spend some time in Seoul, just the 2 of us :) There was some complication in getting annual leave & some flight issues, but we braved through all those, had some arguments along the way..and finally managed to fly off to Seoul on 30th March, 11.30pm flight MH 066. The Airbus 330 was a disappointment as we thought that it being a 6 hours flight, usually the plane will come with individual screens..but no! So we ended up sleeping..but not very soundly as we usually do. You see within a 6 hours flight, the aircrew will serve a meal before we doze off..that would have taken an hour to 2 hours. Then 1.5 hours just before landing, they will serve another meal. So uninterrupted sleeping hours are only 2+ hours. This time we experienced something really unique! Upon nearing Incheon Internation

So quickly it's almost end Feb 2011

2010 ended almost in a breeze. It was an eventful year with many challenges. A new chapter begins as we approach 2011. So quickly 2 months have passed and looking back, some of the highlights :  1) Hubby Sze Weng got a promotion in Feb, after only 2 months at his new job as Sales Manager in Malaysia's largest IT distribution company. This is truly God's blessings considering he's not very IT savvy..hehe.   2) Our baby Ivan turned 2 on Feb 9th - how time flies. He is such a big boy, very independent, never wanting anyone to feed him. In fact he started feeding himself from the tender age of 1.5...of course at the beginning it was a huge mess, but he never gave up! Now he has perfected the art of feeding himself. Mummy is so proud of you boy! 3) CNY 2011 - 2nd day of CNY 2011 will always be remembered in a special way. Grandma went back to be with our Lord Jesus! She was admitted to Assunta Hospital on Wed, 26th Jan. After some test, doctor found out that she had suffered