
Showing posts from May, 2012

Overwhelming response to baby Ian's fullmoon party on 26th May 2012

We had an overly-crowded full moon party for baby Ian on 26th May 2012 at our humble abode47...though crowded but we all had fun! Food was great and the company was even greater! We invited close relatives, church & cell group friends, some ex and current colleagues of mine and Sze Weng's. Party started at 7pm sharp and at the peak of the party which was around 8 plus, there were 80+ adults and 20+ kids in the house. It got pretty hot in the living area despite the air-cond being at full blast...haha. We felt pretty bad as the hosts coz we didn't get to spend much time chatting & catching up with many of our guests. Net net it was still a splendid party! Ian behaved very did Isaac & Ivan. Ian didn't cry at all despite the house being so noisy, stuffy & hot...we are so proud of you boy! Here are some pictures of the great night :) *****

Isaac goes to kindy..

So quickly Isaac completes his 1st semester at kindergarten. After his failed attempt to attend 'playschool' when he was 3 years old then, we were very worried and unsure if he would like kindey when he turned five. We prayed a lot and spoke to him repeatedly about attending kindey this year, which he can't say no to coz it's part of law. I spoke to him about overcoming his fear of teacher Teresa who has scolded him badly when he attended play school where she was the teacher. Told him that everyone must learn to face their fears and not running away from them! A few photos of Isaac's kindergarten days... 1st day @ kindy- going to toilet in a group 1st day @ kindy - check out the cool hairstyle Isaac's 1st 'masterpiece' -  colourful apple! 2nd day at kindy Isaac imitating the lion dance S3 class picture taken during CNY lion dance performance Isaac *****

Seeing baby Ian grow...

It's 20th May 2012, time really pass by very quickly. A quick blink of an eye and my confinement period is coming to an end. I'm enjoying my confinement period a lot more this time around..well I've learned to enjoy every moment and every 'restrictions' that come with it. Most importantly, my perspective has definitely changed, whereby I stress a lot more on resting this time around than trying to do so much like the previous 2 confinements. Well the c-sect wound kinda forced me to rest more also la...the first week after delivery was really tough whereby I was literally bed-ridden for the whole week! But praise the Lord for speedy recovery of the wound. By 2nd week, the pain has subsided tremendously and I could move about freely..but am warned not to carry heavy items for the next 3 months. Also this period allows me to spend more time with the 2 older boys whilst taking care of baby Ian, what a splendid divine arrangement! Quick update on baby Ian's growth

Pregnant the third time around

A quick posting on my recent 3rd pregnancy...some photos to show the progress, notice how big I got towards the end of the pregnancy! @ 4 months @ 4.5 months - taken during our Xmas BBQ party @ 5 months - taken at my brother's home in Singapore; it was Xmas then @ 6 months - taken at Media Prima's CNY open house in Sime Darby CC @ 7.5 months - picture taken by Isaac :) @ 9 months - taken on 10th April, just 2 weeks before delivery *****

Our 3rd bundle of joy has arrived!

Sze Weng and myself absolutely love kids...with God's blessings, we want to have 4 kids; it's ok if all 4 are boys..they are all blessings to us. Last August 2011, unknowingly during the messy and chaotic renovation period, we have conceived lil' bundle no. 3. I went to see Dr Liew to confirm this news after testing with a reliable pregnancy test kit. We were so happy to know I was 6 weeks' pregnant by the time we saw Dr Liew in Sept ie shortly after the whole renovation. Very quickly this pregnancy progressed, although this time around I got tired more easily. Well I suppose age is catching up and I traveled a lot more than before - between NSTP office and Sri Pentas for meetings. Fast forward to week 38 of this pregnancy - on 23rd April 2012, we went to see Dr Liew for a final check up to determine when I will be delivering. Knowing well that he will not be in Malaysia from 2nd-9th May and my actual estimated due date (EDD) was 4th May...we decided to induce lab