Seeing baby Ian grow...

It's 20th May 2012, time really pass by very quickly. A quick blink of an eye and my confinement period is coming to an end. I'm enjoying my confinement period a lot more this time around..well I've learned to enjoy every moment and every 'restrictions' that come with it. Most importantly, my perspective has definitely changed, whereby I stress a lot more on resting this time around than trying to do so much like the previous 2 confinements. Well the c-sect wound kinda forced me to rest more also la...the first week after delivery was really tough whereby I was literally bed-ridden for the whole week! But praise the Lord for speedy recovery of the wound. By 2nd week, the pain has subsided tremendously and I could move about freely..but am warned not to carry heavy items for the next 3 months.
Also this period allows me to spend more time with the 2 older boys whilst taking care of baby Ian, what a splendid divine arrangement!

Quick update on baby Ian's growth progress...see how much he has grown over the past 3 weeks.

@ 1 wk old - see how sharp his chin was then

@ 2 wk old - he has a rounder face now

@ 3 wk old - wow is that a double chin there...hehe



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