Our 3rd bundle of joy has arrived!

Sze Weng and myself absolutely love kids...with God's blessings, we want to have 4 kids; it's ok if all 4 are boys..they are all blessings to us.

Last August 2011, unknowingly during the messy and chaotic renovation period, we have conceived lil' bundle no. 3. I went to see Dr Liew to confirm this news after testing with a reliable pregnancy test kit. We were so happy to know I was 6 weeks' pregnant by the time we saw Dr Liew in Sept ie shortly after the whole renovation.

Very quickly this pregnancy progressed, although this time around I got tired more easily. Well I suppose age is catching up and I traveled a lot more than before - between NSTP office and Sri Pentas for meetings.

Fast forward to week 38 of this pregnancy - on 23rd April 2012, we went to see Dr Liew for a final check up to determine when I will be delivering. Knowing well that he will not be in Malaysia from 2nd-9th May and my actual estimated due date (EDD) was 4th May...we decided to induce labor on 24th April. Having read a little bit about inducing labor naturally via safer methods than relying on medication, we tried them out that night (23rd April). It worked very well coz by 1am that night (24th April), I was having mild contractions which are 3 minutes apart. I knew we may be delivering earlier than planned induction.

Sze Weng and I got ready to go to Assunta Hospital at about 1.15am on 24th April. By the time we reached the delivery suite, my contractions got stronger and they are still 3 minutes apart. I was very confident we will be delivering baby Ian Lim within an hour - well that's what we hoped and prayed for laaaaa...little did we know there's another plan in store.

Contractions went on for the next 4 hours, it got much stronger. By 5am, the midwife has asked me to start trying to push baby out/down. I tried with all my might to push baby out/down and although I was dilated close to 90-100% by 5.30am, the baby's head did not 'appear' at the right position. Dr Liew came in around that time, all prepped up to conduct the delivery...but...after 5 pushes and every time contractions came, he tried to 'dig' inside to find for baby's head. Couldn't quite locate the baby's head. I was so tired by then and had no more strength to make another push. That was when Dr Liew made the decision to conduct emergency Caesarean section on me to avoid baby getting infection since my water bag has already broken.

The doctor, midwives and nurses all got ready to send me to the OT for emergency C-sect. It was a very scary moment of my life! I was still in a lot of pain as the contractions got stronger after water bag broke. Fast forward - at 6.58am baby Ian Lim Ka Aern was born into this world...all whilst I was fully sedated. I didn't get to see him till about 10am when I was wheeled to the Lavender ward. This was certainly a very different experience from our 2 other boys!

But whatever it was, we were so happy to welcome baby Ian into our lives and he has been such a blessing ever since!
 First picture of baby Ian taken at the OT

 Baby Ian @ day 2, picture taken after another successful breastfeeding session
 Daddy Sze Weng carrying baby Ian

 Baby Ian resting comfortable in mummy's arms

 Baby Ian @ day 5, after checking out from Assunta Hospital for jaundice treatment

 Our boys...!!

Daddy and mummy love you Ian....!


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