The boys' 1st haircuts

We are modern parents who firmly believe an age-old belief that we should give our newborn babies a good 'botak' haircut so that when they grow up, they will have thick & nice hair.
Below are photos of our boys' 1st haircuts...they actually look pretty similar at this age..amazing isn't it?!?

Isaac - had his 1st haircut when he was almost 6 months old

"botak" handsome Isaac

Ivan - had his 1st haircut when he was 1 month old

Ivan - before haircut

Ivan - after haircut

Ian - had his 1st haircut at 1 month old, 2 days after his full moon party

Looks like he is enjoying his hair cut...

Ian in his new "botak" look being cuddled by po-po

"nice & cool" perfect hairstyle for this super hot season



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