Brotherly love

I was chatting with my colleague LHM the other day, she was sharing about how her 1st son is reacting to their 2nd newborn. Big brother Justin got into some trouble in school, likely to be his ways of showing his parents that he craves for attention and my colleague had to take some time off work to attend to this. I felt so very blessed as Isaac has never ever shown any tiny bits of jealousy since the arrival of di-di Ivan. On the contrary, kor-kor Isaac has taken to the role of a big brother almost immediately. Over the past 9 months, he has shown in many ways how he takes part in caring for Ivan.

* He aint heavy, he's my brother (hehe) *

Once, as we were driving out..Isaac who was sitting in his car seat and Ivan in his carrier, they are seated next to each other. Unexpectedly, Isaac held on to the carrier, almost showing that "he is holding on to the carrier, just in case it flies away..hehe"

Whenever we put Ivan on the potty for *poo poo*, Isaac would rush to get the wet wipes and at times he would also get a new diaper for Ivan. All this without being told. When we go out for shopping and Ivan is sitting/sleeping in the stroller, Isaac would take over to push the stroller. Meanwhile doing that, he would also sing softly to Ivan. Last week when I was taking care of both of them... changing Ivan's clothes; Isaac came over, bent towards Ivan's face, started talking in their ways of communication, he said - "Di di, apalakshgfsioakdshalijip" then he kissed Ivan in the face. heart melted immediately...

And they both enjoy spending time together too... often playing with one another..Isaac would not hurt di-di Ivan even though at times Ivan would snatch his toys or throw toys at him. Thankfully, Isaac has learnt to be generous to share his toys/food/other things with Ivan. We are truly truly blessed :)



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