D-Day of baby Ivan's arrival

Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." 

9th Feb 2009 : It's Chap Goh Mei today ie the last day of CNY and it happened to be a public holiday (due to replacement for Thaipusam which fell on Sunday). I was sound asleep till I was awakened by a contraction that caused my lower body to be numbed. I have not experienced any contractions in the past few days, this was the first one. When it happened, it was around 5plus in the morning. I sat up on the bed and breathed in slowly and said a little prayer for the numbness to go away. 

Little did I know that my body was getting ready to deliver Ivan into our arms that morning..! After that contraction was over, I went back to bed. As a lover of beauty sleep, I dozed off immediately. The next contraction woke me up and sent me straight to the toilet for some BIG business. It dawned on me then that I might be delivering that morning itself! I went back to the bed, this time to pray. I took out the anointed oil which Pastor Joshua had anointed the day before, said a prayer and applied it onto my belly. I prayed for fast, safe & painless labour and that Ivan will be perfect in every way. 

Then I woke my hubby up and told him to get ready for some 'labour' action. He was kinda surprised and jumped out of bed immediately. Within 5mins, he was ready..(a lot faster than usual..hehe) We did a final checklist on things to bring to the hospital, got hold of the packed bag and went into Isaac's room to take a peek on him - fast asleep still. 

Off we go to Assunta Hospital, it was about 6.50am then. We arrived at the delivery suite and got checked in by 7.24am and the contractions were 3 minutes apart now. The midwife/head nurse, Ms Law, checked me and I was already 60-65% dilated. She confirmed that I will be delivering that morning! 

Praise the Lord... I can't wait to hold Ivan in my arms and at the same time, I was abit fearful.. Sze Weng and I prayed again in the room for painless & fast delivery. And for baby Ivan to be perfectly healthy. We also prayed for fear and whatever that does not belong to God's word to GO away then we sang some gospel songs. 

I was relieved to see Dr Liew walked into my room and when he checked me, I was 80-85% dilated then. The contractions were very much closer now.. almost 1 min apart and that was when I told my hubby to call the nurses in as I was ready to push. 

PUSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..... 4 pushes down and baby Ivan arrived safely into our arms at 8.35am. It happened so fast that Sze Weng barely had time to take pictures this time around. I was so glad and thankful to our AlMighty God for such a pleasant delivery experience. It was truly SUPERNATURAL CHILDBIRTH!... I wouldn't imagine doing it all by my own strength. Praise the Lord, all Glory and praise to Him. He is truly in CONTROL..! Amen.



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