Yellow away..

James 1:2-3 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance." 

Feb 2009 : 18th - Have you ever experienced this - you've been praying & praying for something NOT to happen but it happens anyway. And then you start to question if God actually heard your prayers and if he did, how come He allowed that thing to happen to you??? Once and for all, let's get the fact right. God did not come to steal, kill or destroy. It's all the devil's work. The devil is always trying to screw up your plans so that you can start blaming God for not answering your prayers. Ok enough said about the devil, no need to give him more limelight. I wanna share what we are going through now. 

After Ivan's quick delivery on 9th Feb, we were soon discharged on 10th Feb afternoon, after both of us were given the clearance of good health. Sze Weng and I were very happy that everything is perfect with Ivan; even jaundice was not detected at all. We thought to ourselves, praise The Lord (yet again!) for answering our prayers. 1 week passed with successful breast feeding and enjoying Ivan's company (and needless to say; slightly lack of sleep in my case, due to 2hrly feeding throughout the day & night) 

Come 16th Feb, we brought Ivan to see the paediatrician, Dr Mary (we simply love her!.. nice doc, very gentle with kids & very patient with the parents), first thing she said was "he looks a bit yellow yah, we shall get his blood checked later". I know there & then that Ivan will be admitted to the nursery for some photolight treatment; coz we also noticed he started to get 'yellow' since Saturday (his 5th day) A still small voice in me started to question if God heard our prayers. We've been praying for jaundice to be removed completely from his body since I discovered I was pregnant. We've also applied anoited oil on my belly (when I was still pregnant), on Ivan (when we were back at home). But it still happened..why!? 

But thankfully, I did not feel depressed this time (I almost fell into PPD when Isaac was re-admitted then for high jaundice) In fact this time I felt "no worries, our God is in control!" I suppose it's only humane for me to feel disappointed but beyond that I know & I know & I know that God is ultimately in control. We said a quick prayer before we left the nursery and claimed His healing upon Ivan. Jesus has died on the cross so that we can all have perfect health. Faith level was strong and we chose to leave everything onto God - for His ways are greater than our ways! Amen. 

 Assunta staff called the next day to report that his reading came down from 323 to 245 and Ivan needed another day of photolight treatment. This morning (18th) they called again to say he can be discharged today and his reading today is 159... praise the Lord. At this level, jaundice is completely removed from his body and I'm really thankful for that. 

 Not knowing or understanding why this has to happen to both our kids despite us taking all the necessary steps to prevent it, but I'm so glad to know that God is ultimately in control of everything in our lives; from small trivial stuff to the really big stuff. Can't explain it but it's great to know that it is not by our own strength & works to make things happen, but through Him. Isn't it better to have God managing every aspect of our lives than us trying to gain control and manage it for His ways are far greater than our ways! Praise Him..!



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