With a blink of an eye..

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope & a future." 

 It's been a while since I wrote.... been really busy since..what May 2008!..haha. Let's see... what have I been busy with since then.. 

 May 2008 : been a really busy month then, was involved in a big time business pitch for a leading skincare brand which we later won the entire business. The blessings behind this is that I was not put on the account but the sad thing was our group was restructured and I was transferred to another group. When that happened, I thought to myself that "maybe I was NOT good enough hence the mgmt decided to move me to another group instead." Little did I know that God has a better plan. That account would have been 'way-too-much' for me esp. since I later found out I was pregnant!... (yee-hah!) 

Fast fwd to July 2008 : on 21st, I went to see Dr Liew to confirm that I was indeed pregnant!.. YES! 9 weeks by then... I almost missed the entire 1st trimester..being swamped with work & much business travelling. I'm really blessed to have absolutely zero pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, etc hence was not even aware I was pregnant..hehe praise the Lord again! My hubby & I were both elated to know we are expecting another baby by Feb 09. I had felt that another baby in our growing Lim family would make it more complete. Very excited lah.... 

Oct 2008 : on 5th, we celebrated Isaac's 1st birthday, threw a small party at home, invited closest friends & relatives only. My mum helped to cook a few delicious dishes, my mum-in-grace (MIG) bought a few dishes to add on and we bought him a beautiful birthday cake. Simple celebration but was filled with laughter, great company & good food...well simplicity is a blessing to us. We enjoyed having small dos like this in our home, what more that we've just bought a new air-cond unit for the living room & a new 42-inch plasma TV... our guests will surely feel more comfortable. Having been busy since the day before (4th) preparing for the party & up since 7am today, and pregnant at the same time, I was ready for bed by 9pm that night..! 

 Jan 2009 : It's a brand new year... Isaac's turned 15months on 8th and he's been busy walking around the house since Christmas. I wouldn't really say he was a tad-bit slower than the rest, well some other babies don't walk till they are like 18mths..! So Isaac, you are good... 

Truthfully, it got me really worried when he turned 14mths and still preferred to crawl than walk. He would only walk when we hold his hands then. I would encourage him to walk on his own by standing a few steps away from him..but yet he would not move on his own. He would stand there still and stretch his hands forward to grab my hands and then walk that few steps over! I thought to myself "my boy is overly-cautious lah, he's afraid of falling" 

Those were the few months where I worried (although I shouldn't have!) and at times a bit shameful that he wasn't walking yet despite turning 14mths. I prayed to God for His perfect timing for Isaac to walk and tried to not talk/focus about/on this subject, as a sign of surrendering it to God. Indeed, when I least expected it, Isaac just stood up 1 day and walked confidently. Praise the Lord!


 Feb 2009 : CNY has just passed and we are excited as ever for the arrival of baby Ivan. I have been counting down since, what, Nov...haha. I got my FB friends asking me "when is he due lah..you seem to be counting down like forever..!?!" well I'm excited, can you not feel it? Most people said that usually the parents are less excited when the 2nd or 3rd or 4th baby comes along... that's not the case with Sze Weng & myself. Ivan's due on 25th Feb...and we were anxiously waiting...till 9th Feb early morning...



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